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All the Beautiful People

Bismillah irAHman uraheeem.

Alhamdullilah, I was married on Memorial Day Weekend, May 28th, 2006. It was a ceremony that brought together two dynamic families, amazing friends of two dynamic individuals, and was witnessed by over 500 guests in attendance at the Long Island Sheraton.

I felt like a passenger in much of the event planning, the details, the mayhem of the wedding. But alhamdullilah, alhamdullilah, alhamdullilah. It has been a wonderful first month of marriage, full of surprises, cries of happiness, and moments of total amazement at the will of Allah talla.

Of all the guests in attendance, there are several women I would like to dedicate this entry to, the women who supported, and guided me on the chaotic days leading up to my bethrothal, and without whom I would probably still be trying to put on my holud sari.

First is my mother, Nargis Z. Kalam, a mother of 20 years, a wife of 22 years, an elementary school teacher, and the greatest woman I have ever known. She always put my brother and me first, always took the time to cook new and fresh things for us every single morning, to clean the house before we woke up, bought us everything before we had to ask for it, taught and lectured me on everything before I would have to figure it out on my own. I once told someone that my mother has never been wrong, never in those 19 years, had she given me bad advice, or lead me astray. She has never been wrong about people, or about the direction I should take. Alhamdullilah. This someone then told me that it sounded like I had my mother on a pedestal, and that I was definitely wrong about my mom's infalliable judgements. I didn't see that person again.


Next are the women who dazzle and amaze me every time I see or hear from them:

Kanchan Auntie, Parvin Auntie
Aahirah A.
Dora D. L
Dinu A.
Eshana and Karina
Maheen F.
Moumita Z. and her mom, who I lovingly adore as Auntie
Muniba H.
Sadia M.
Shanita G.
Shakera K.

May Allah shower His infinite mercy of each of them, so they may continue to shower the world with their goodness.

I would also like to dedicate this entry to my Daddy, who never hesitated (only but once) to marry me to a pious man. May Allah reward him and my mother for their sacrifice, their love, and support in allowing for day when I wake up next to my husband. May Allah talla be pleased with them, with my brother, with my friends, with everyone who came and showed their love.

And of course, the self proclaimed "critical factor" to my matrimony, Mr. Saadat Kalam, whose group of charming friends, and creation of the greatest slideshow ever created. Thank you bhai for everything.

Allahu akbar.


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