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Showing posts from January, 2009


I am happy to report that the world has changed dramatically since my last post. The World, with a capital W, has changed because of war, the new President, the market meltdown, and overall shoddy economic times. Given that there are many insightful, well written posts about the state of the world and its complexities, I will remain focused on my narcissistic musings, as I remember that was the original purpose of this blog. First, the world has changed for me. The preponderance of babies and weddings in the world has shown me how incredibly normal, humbling, and special it is to be part of the celebration of new relationships, to be in the presence of a product of those very things. Weddings, and celebrations, I imagined would be ending once marriage season ended, with friends getting married but now I am entering a world in which women (my age or not) are giving birth, buying houses, creating homes--being MARRIED. After two years, I must admit I am a rather unfortunate learner. In m